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Desktop DTZF-260 vacuum packaging machine DTZF-260

I produced a computer-type automatic vacuum packaging machine for packaging a large water content and design of products, the control circuit in Japan, to learn foreign advanced technology with industry experience, the use of micro-computer controller electrical full control, it has a waterproof, moisture, low failure rate, long life and other advantages, these advantages make the device easy to clean, even direct flushing water will not have any electrical failure, the use of international standards body aircraft with 304 stainless steel plate of food, high strength, difficult to damage, it unique tilt table designed to ensure the water does not drain the water so that vacuum-packed products easier to operate.

Vacuum packaging machine, high-quality, simple operation, easy maintenance, wide range of uses, it is applicable to a variety of flexible packaging materials, such as the synthesis of a variety of films such as aluminum foil. Packing it solid, liquid, powder or sticky, food, fruits, seeds, aromatic materials, chemicals, electronic products, precision tools and measuring, the precious metals and rare inert gas, can be vacuum-packed, the packaging machine products, the packaging machinery products, to prevent mildew, rot and to avoid the invasion of moisture, to better guarantee the quality of fresh products, the extension of storage time for food.
Technical parameters:

Power vacuum
Room size
The degree of vacuum
Closed specifications
Exhaust fitted
Purchase volume
Appearance specifications
DTZF-260 220v 0.37w 380×280×90 -0.1MPAa 260mm 單封閉 10m3/h 480×330×360 35kg
DTZF-350 220v 0.37w 450×370×220 -0.1MPAa 350mm Single closed 10m3/h 560×420×340 44kg
DTZF-450 220v 0.95w 460×450×220 -0.1MPAa 450mm Single closed 20m3/h 560×520×460 68kg
All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
Xunjie Technology/Technical Support LU ICP Preparation 07072650
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