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Edible Oil Bottle Labeler A720/721

Main Purpose:
. Apply mainly to food, cereals, oil and other industries in the square, circular bottle-shaped materials fast automatic labeling requirements. (Eg: Chen Shui-bian   bottle labeling, the labeling bottles, and supporting the production of edible oil field labeling). GM has good, high stability, durability, etc.

Technical Parameters:
. Materials Dimensions: (round bottle) F150 mm-diameter F80 (The bottle / Bian bottles) length of 100-180 mm, width of 80-180 mm and 50-350 mm high   bottles.
. Labeling speed: the bottle side / corner labeling (5 L, bottles): 45 bottles / min.
. Round bottle positioning leaflets labeling (1.8 L bottles round): 35 bottles / minutes (and related materials and label size).
. Labeling accuracy: Side labeling error = ± 1.5mm。
. Orientation week to the round bottle labeling error = ± 2.0mm.
. Both wrong poor = ± 1.5mm (excluding packaging and labelling of error)

Principle Features:
. A wide range of applications: accomplishing the bottles / Bian bottles (full bottles of state) side (plane) leaflets labeling / superscript hand corner, but also to   achieve a round bottle weeks positioning leaflets / review posted double function。
. The unique material, and the production line to ensure that the on-line use of reliable, effective materials .
. Unique corner superscript institutions to help ensure that the labeling bottles corner three side formation, wrinkling.
. Both stand-alone use, but also with the use and production line.
All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
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