
Filling Machine
Packaging Machine
Seal Machine
Bundle Packet Machine
Fight Code Machine
Shrinkage Machine
Origami Machine
Filling The End Of Closure
Penma Machine
Labeler Machine

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Weighing combination of automatic packaging machines

This set of unit
  1, XJB-4230
  2, 10 computer combination Scales
  3, Z-type material conveyor
  4, vibration-Feeding
  5, electronic platform scales
  6, finished conveyor

Major performance and structural characteristics:
  1, automatic completion of feeding, weighing, filling bag, print date, the export of products all of the production process.
  2, measurement of high accuracy, efficiency quickly, not particle.
  3, the provincial labour, low loss, easy operation and maintenance.

  1. Doo stability of the 10 structures, high-precision sensors, measuring the correct moment to achieve.
  2. Adopted the stepper motor, quiet operation, moves stability and long life.
  3. Measurement was based on the characteristics of fine-tuning the hopper door opening and closing speed to prevent the cards and nothing broken.
  4. Calculation error: ± 1.5g of

  Expanded food, potato chips, candy, pistachios, raisins, Tangyuan, meat balls, peanuts, biscuits, jelly, candied fruit, walnut, pickles, frozen dumplings, almonds, salt, washing powder, solid beverages, cereals, such as pesticide particles Flake particles, short of powder and other items.

All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
Xunjie Technology/Technical Support LU ICP Preparation 07072650
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