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Global packaging machinery demand to 12% annual growth rate
Double-click automatically scroll Writer:  update:2010-07-14

    Currently, the global packaging machinery demand to 12% annual growth rate in 2009 reached 45 billion U.S. dollars. The United States has the largest packaging equipment maker, followed by Japan, other major manufacturers but also from Germany, Italy and China. Packaging machinery and equipment production but the fastest growing in the developing countries, especially in China.

    Domestic packaging machinery manufacturers of professional research and development of small manufacturers, which is also our shortcomings. However, the domestic packaging machinery manufacturers in the continued efforts of the domestic packaging machinery in the measurement, manufacturing, technical performance, it has a good success (such as quick mechanical Jinan, Dongtai machinery) in particular, beer, beverage filling equipment with high-speed, complete high degree of automation, reliability is good. Have significantly improved food packaging machine technology, the emergence of mechatronics, servo horizontal labeling machine labeling machine automatic packaging machine equipment to surge in demand, the next few years a variety of food packaging machinery demand will grow rapidly.

    Domestic manufacturers of packaging machinery working on high-tech, high-quality production and reliable service. As the market changes, the domestic packaging machinery is also growing, the domestic packaging machinery manufacturers to develop rapid, low-power, low-cost direction of packaging equipment, packaging machinery and equipment have been with the company for future product updates or additional packages the proportion of machinery production line will increase, particularly in food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries demand strong.

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